Oluwatoyin fatunsin
Biographical Info
Biographical Info:
Oluwatoyin Tirenioluwa Fatunsin is a lecturer at the Department of Chemistry, University of Lagos, Nigeria.In 2021 Fatunsin became part of two prestigious bodies Namely; Nigerian Young Academy (NYA) and Affiliate of the African Academy of Science (AAS). Fatunsin ’s research interest is focused on the analysis of pollutants in the environment, dietary and environmental risk assessment of pollutants, their significance on human health which involves analysing complex matrices to address the sources, fate behavior. It also involves the removal of persistent organic pollutants and potentially toxic elements in contaminated lands, air, sediments and waters including management of environmental waste. Fatunsin is a member of The Royal Society of Chemistry and an alumnus of the Commonwealth Scholarship; after being awarded a one-year Commonwealth Split-Site Scholarship at the School of Pharmacy and Biomedical Science, University of Portsmouth, UK for the 2012/2013 Session. She worked with Peugeot Automobile Nigeria Ltd. (2006) as a chemist under the Nigerian National Youth Service Corps Scheme, as a postgraduate research Intern at the Environmental Monitoring Team of Shell Petroleum Development Company Nigeria (2009) and as a Visiting Researcher to the University of Birmingham in 2018 under a Marie Curie research grant tagged INTERWASTE. She has in 2021, been appointed as a Post Doctoral Fellow of the West African–Michigan Charter II for GEOHealth-Ghana paired grant jointly held at University of Ghana and University of Lagos. She has a Ph.D-2016, Masters (Distinction)-2009 and Bachelor of Science (21)-2005. She is a recipient of several grants and awards and her research findings have been published in reputable journals and presented at conferences globally. Below is a link to her publications https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=KGlGtfoAAAAJ&view_op=list_works&sortby=pubdate&gmla=AJsN-F6ZRsoJWVe1O4bXiGVm8zwHZZRpHxOG_TGSBIVjwp669JFyMZG5O5hqzJAnddws8EePUTTozrSCqVXeIwcvueXr4Xu2eEPvOzYFqBjl0CKfBXSmByA&sciund=10899503940684599089&gmla=AJsN-F6rFA-5MaLdjTsg1Ht-e0iWiibNnlBtTN1RJK7ZpaUrkD83TFjrAC57owqh9zGD_JK6ZezPA4HOCGDKTEazlrXGWs4Fa0JVx7m87qxy0eFMltvFCMs&sciund=3894742233025420321#.
Area Of Specialization:
Analytical and Environmental Chemistry
University of Lagos
Research interest:
Fatunsin ’s research interest is focused on the analysis of pollutants in the environment, dietary and environmental risk assessment of pollutants, their significance on human health which involves analysing complex matrices to address the sources, fate behavior. It also involves the removal of persistent organic pollutants and potentially toxic elements in contaminated lands, air, sediments and waters including management of environmental waste.
Google Scholar:https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=KGlGtfoAAAAJ&hl=en