
Gilbert Adie

Biographical Info

Biographical Info:

Dr. Adie obtained a B.Sc. (Hons) in Chemistry from the University of Uyo in July 2000, M.Sc. in Analytical Chemistry and Ph.D. in Analytical/Environmental Chemistry both from the University of Ibadan in June 2003 and February 2008, respectively.

Dr Adie is a Reader at the Department of Chemistry, University of Ibadan and also a Senior Research Associate with the Basel Convention Coordinating Centre for the African Region (BCCC-Africa), University of Ibadan Linkage Centre of the Federal Ministry of Environment, Nigeria.

He has been teaching courses in Analytical and Environmental Chemistry at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels since 2008 including Environmental Audit, Waste Management Techniques and Analysis of Air, Water, Food and Drugs. He has also supervised many undergraduate and M.Sc. students at the University of Ibadan. He has graduated one Ph.D student and currently supervising many students both at undergraduate and postgraduate levels. He is currently supervising three Ph.D students.



Area Of Specialization:


University of Ibadan

Research interest:

evaluation of environmental samples for toxic metal and organic contamination of soil, water, plants, foods and air and management of hazardous wastes (Waste-to-Wealth Initiatives), characterisation of e-waste components and theri management


-In 2010, he won a Postdoc fellowship to Technical University of Clausthal in Germany under the Third World Academy of Science – German Science Foundation (TWAS - DFG) do discuss areas of collaboration between his team and the host team in Germany.

-2013, he had a six month South-South cooperation visit to the Basel Convention Regional Centre for the Asia and Pacific (BCRC-AP) situated at Tsinghua University, Beijing, China to understudy the best management practices of waste electrical and electronic equipment in China with the intention of replication in the African sub region. This visit was sponsored by both BCCC-Africa in Nigeria and BCRC-AP, China.

-2013, Dr Adie had a 2 weeks Internship at the Total Environment Solution-Asset Material Management (TES-AMM), the biggest formal e-waste recycling company in China at that time situated in Shanghai, China to learn how different components of e-waste are formally managed.

-He represented BCCC-A in 2-day International Advisory Group Meeting on E-Waste Management Project (EWaMP) in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia held 11-12 June, 2014.

-He actively participated in a 4-day training workshop organized by the Environmental Protection Agency of Ghana (Ghana EPA) in conjunction with Sustainable Recycling Industries (SRI), International Lead Association (ILA) and Oeko Institute from 18 – 21 July 2017 in Tema, Ghana to undergo intensive training on field assessment/monitoring of smelting plants using the ILA's Benchmarking Assessment Tool (BAT), gather knowledge on environmentally sound management (ESM) of ULAB, use and application of the BAT procedure, and prepare for a step down training for Nigerian stakeholders and regulators.He received after the training a certificate of accreditation for undergoing the training on the ULAB BAT application.

-In July 2019, he was selected among few African experts to undergo Training of Trainers (ToT) Course on Inclusive E-waste Recycling, Johannesburg, South Africa.

-March 2020 –date, he is involved as an environmental consultant on a GIZ-NESP II National project entitled ‘Development of Standards for Solar Modules, Batteries and Charge Controllers in Nigeria.

-August, 2020 – date he is a consultant to JAWURA Environmental Services on NESREA/GEF project on Circular Economy approaches for the electronics Sector in Nigeria project. The intervention is aimed at stimulating the development of a Sustainable Circular Economy for electronic products in Nigeria among other things supporting the E-waste Producers Responsibility Organization.


lead investigator, lead consultant, trainee



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