Temitope O. Sogbanmu
Biographical Info
Biographical Info:
Dr Sogbanmu is an Environmental Toxicologist with several years’ experience in environmental risk assessment and management of organic pollutants in various environmental media with a view to develop and provide targeted environmental management advice to regulators/policy-makers. She has several refereed journal articles and is a recipient of a number of research grants, fellowships, and awards including the Winner, African Evidence Leadership Award - Evidence Intermediaries Category 2022. Professionally, she was appointed as an Ecology/Waste Management Expert on EIA draft report review panels from 2018 till date by the Lagos State Ministry of Environment and Water Resources as well as Federal Ministry of Environment, Nigeria. She is a reviewer of several high-impact factor journals, Editorial Board member of Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management (IEAM), and Environmental Water Quality (Frontiers in Water). Dr Sogbanmu is an Affiliate of the African Academy of Sciences (The AAS), Vice President of the Nigerian Young Academy (NYA), and Advisory Board member, One Health and Development Initiative (OHDI). She is an advocate of the UN SDGs 6, 11, 13, and 14, AU Agenda 2063 Goal 7, Science and Risk Communication, Evidence for Policy and Researcher Visibility for Societal Impact. She holds a Ph.D. in Environmental Toxicology and Pollution Management and lectures at the University of Lagos, Nigeria. She currently leads the Evidence Use in Environmental Policymaking in Nigeria (EUEPiN) Project as well as the Environmental Evidence Synthesis and Knowledge Translation Research Group, TETFund Centre of Excellence in Biodiversity Conservation and Ecosystem Management (EESKT-TCEBCEM), University of Lagos.
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