Abdul-Azeez Adeyemi Anjorin
Contact Details
Biographical Info
Biographical Info:
Dr. AbdulAzeez Anjorin was educated at the Lagos State University for his B.Sc. in 2008 and University of Lagos for his PhD in 2020. He received part of his training as a trained Fellow on sero-molecular epidemiology of viruses from the WHO reference Laboratory at the Luxembourg Institute of Health; and the International Society for Influenza and Other Respiratory Viruses (ISIRV)/ Christian Medical College (CMC) Respiratory Virus School in Vellore. He is a certified ProMED-EpiCore health professional for infectious diseases. He is a Senior Lecturer and Medical Virologist at the Lagos State University Department of Microbiology where He serves as the Team Lead, for Influenza & Other Respiratory Tract Viruses (IORTV) research.
His research findings documented the first coinfection of influenza, malaria parasitaemia, and typhoid fever in pregnancy; and in children; and evidence of influenza A and B coinfection in HIV patients on cART. His research team recently led some projects on COVID-19 vaccination and reported the first adverse events associated with COVID-19 vaccination in Africans from 35 countries.
He has presented papers in diverse countries in Africa, Europe, Asia, and the Middle East, attending over 50 conferences/ workshops including different WHO functions like the WHO R&D Consultation: Remaining knowledge gaps for Monkeypox vaccines, (2022); WHO Consultation on COVID vaccines research: Advancing the development of pan-sarbecovirus vaccines (2022), and WHO R&D Blueprint Consultation- COVID-19 Global research & innovation forum (2022); Also, the Africa CDC Stakeholder Engagement Summit on Partnership for Vaccine Manufacturing (2021).
In 2022, he was awarded the UK-ICN Travel Support to attend the International Conference on Severe Coronavirus Infection at the King Fahad Medical City, Riyadh. Also, the CEPI Global South Travel Award to attend the 7th World One Health Congress in Singapore (2022). He won the ME’NA-ISN Moderator for Innovation in influenza vaccine Travel sponsorship to Istanbul, Turkey in 2022. He enjoyed the Lagos State University Conference and Travel Grants (2022, 2021, 2019, 2018 & 2017), and received the Vice-Chancellor Commendation in 2017. He was a recipient of the European-Scientific Working group on Influenza Young Scientist Award in Riga, Latvia-2017; Selected for the H3ABioNet IBT by the Pan-Africa Bioinformatics Network for H3Africa in 2016; Granted the University training support to the Noguchi Memorial Institute for Medical Research, the University of Ghana in 2015; attended the 17th SAAR-LOR-LUX Workshop on Virology Research at the University of Lorraine, France, 2014. FGN-TETFUND PhD Scholarship-2014; UMA-PhD Scholarship-2013; Lagos State Government MSc Scholarship-2010; and the Lagos State Scholarship Awards (2007-2005, 2000-1999).
Dr. AbdulAzeez was inducted into the Nigerian Young Academy in 2021. He is an Academic Editor and member of the PLOS ONE Editorial Board; an International Editor (Associate), of the Pan-African Medical Journal; and an Associate Editor/ Editorial Board Secretary of the Journal of Research and Review in Science. He has served as Guest Associate Editor, Lagos State University- Journal of Engineering, Science, and Technology (2021-2022).
He is a member of the 2023 Scientific Committee for the African Virology Network; Served as a member of the Scientific Committee for the Middle East, Eurasia & Africa- Influenza Stakeholders Network 2022; and as the LOC Secretary, Faculty of Science International Conference (FOSIC) 2022. He was the Guest Speaker/ Presenter at the IRD-WHO Collaborating partner Webinar (2022); and the international webinar resource person, at Sree Narayana College, Kannur, India at the Post-Graduate and Research Department of Zoology & IQAC in 2020. He also served as the Chairman of, the Theme & Abstract Review Committee, FOSIC 2020.
Dr. AbdulAzeez is a member of the World Society for Virology (WSV), the American Society for Microbiology (ASM), the African Society for Laboratory Medicine (ASLM), the African Virology Network, and the Nigerian Society for Microbiology.
Medical Microbiology
Area Of Specialization:
Medical virology
Lagos State University
Research interest:
Molecular epidemiology of viruses; respiratory tract viruses from one health; vaccines/ vaccination adverse events; and antiviral studies
1) King Fahad Medical City/UK-ICN IC- Severe Coronavirus Infection Travel Award to Riyadh (2022).
2) ISIRV/ CMC, Vellore Respiratory Virus School Training Award (2022).
3) CEPI Global South Travel Award for the 7th World One Health Congress, Singapore (2022).
4) ME’NA-ISN Moderator, Innovation in Influenza Vaccine Travel Sponsorship-Turkey (2022).
5) INGSA Africa Science Advice Skills Development Program Training Fellowship (2022).
6) Award as a Keynote Speaker on Educational Development by Imota Students' Union (2021).
7) Lagos State University Conference and Travel Awards (2022, 2021, 2019, 2018 & 2017).
8) European Scientists Working on Influenza (ESWI) Young Scientist Award (2017).
9) AvH Foundation, Germany & LAUTECH Humboldt Kolleg, Osogbo, Bursary Award (2017).
10) TWAS-ROSSA & NYA Young Scientists’ Sponsored Conference Award (2016).
11) Doctoral Fellowship, WHO Influenza reference Lab., Luxembourg Institute of Health (2014).
12) Federal Government of Nigeria TETFUND PhD Scholarship (2014).
13) University of Lagos Muslim Alumni PhD Scholarship Award (2013).
14) LASU Nigerian Association of Microbiology Students Young Lecturer Honorary Award (2012).
15) Lagos State Government Master of Science (M.Sc.) Scholarship (2010).
16) NYSC Merit Award presented by the Yobe State Governor (2009).
17) FGGC, Potiskum Principal Commendation for Best Corps Member Award (2008).
18) LASU Nigerian Association of Microbiology Students Immunocompetente Award (2007).
19) LASU NAMS Award for the Best in Microbiology Debate Competition (2007).
20) Lagos State Government Undergraduate Scholarship Awards (2007, 2006, 2005).
21) Otunba Fola Ogunnowo, Imota Memorial Trust Award (2006).
22) The Buba Marwa Undergraduates Scholarship Grant (2004/2005).
23) Lagos State Government Undergraduate Scholarship Awards (2000, 1999).
24) Government College Ikorodu Merit Award. College Best in Mathematics (1997).
1) WHO Health Emergencies Programme Meeting on Pathogen X (2022).
2) Scientific Committee, African Virologists Network 2023 Conference (2022-2023).
3) WHO/Africa- Updates on Monkeypox Situation: Temporary Recommendations (2022).
4) African Region Monitoring COVID-19 Vaccine Effectiveness (AFRO-MoVE) Network.
5) Faculty of Science Diaspora Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) Officer (2022-2023).
6) PLOS One Academic Editor/ Editorial Board membership Appointment (2022).
7) WHO R & D Consultation: Remaining knowledge gaps for Monkeypox vaccines, (2022).
8) Author, NYA Policy Brief: Murder COVID- 19 Africa: Future Pandemic Preparedness (2022).
9) Attended WHO Strategic Agenda for Filovirus Research and Monitoring (AFIRM) (2022).
10) WHO Consultation on COVID vaccines: Advancing pan-sarbecovirus vaccines, 2022.
11) Scientific Committee, Middle East, Eurasia & Africa- Influenza Stakeholders Network 2022.
12) LOC Secretary, Faculty of Science International Conference (FOSIC2022).
13) WHO R&D Blueprint consultation- COVID-19 Global research and innovation forum (2022).
14) Participated in the Times Higher Education (THE) World University Rankings (2022).
15) Guest Speaker/ Presenter at the IRD WHO Collaborating partner Webinar (2022).
16) Chairman, Theme & Abstract Review, FOSIC2020 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QS2st4gv4PQ
17) International resource person, Sree Narayana College, Kannur, India (2020).
18) Member, Global Health Network COVID-19 Disease Characterisation Working Group (2020)
19) Guest Lecturer, Lagos University Medical Society Scientific Conference (2019).
Google Scholar:https://scholar.google.co.in/citations?user=oPx9wyYAAAAJ&hl=en