Oluwasola Omoju
Biographical Info
Biographical Info:
Dr. Oluwasola Omoju is a Research Fellow in the Department of Economic and Social Research of the National Institute for Legislative and Democratic Studies, Nigeria. He holds a PhD in Applied (Energy) Economics from Xiamen University, China. Prior to that, he obtained a Bachelor's degree in Economics from the University of Ilorin, Nigeria and a Master's degree in Economics from the University of Lagos, Nigeria. He was a Visiting Scholar at the Institute for Sustainable Economic Development of the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU) in Austria, and a Guest Researcher at the EDEHN Laboratory of the Universite du Havre in France from February 2016 to July 2017. His research interests include energy economics and climate change policy, public financial management, applied development economics and Africa's trade policy. Dr. Omoju has received numerous fellowships and grants, including the CODESRIA-CLACSO-IDEAS South-South Collaborative Research Grant, EIB-GDN Applied Development Finance Fellowship and PEP PAGE II Research Grant, INGSA Science Essay Award, SAIIA Thematic Research Grant, among others. His research has been published in peer-reviewed journals including African Insight, Renewable Energy, Journal of Cleaner Production, Energy and Environment, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, and National Institute Economic Review.
Area Of Specialization:
Energy Economics, Climate Change Policy, Public Financial Management, Applied Development, Africa Trade Policy
National Institute for Legislative and Democratic Studies, Abuja
Research interest:
My research interest lies at the intersection of energy, economy and the environment. I am particularly interested in how domestic and international energy and climate change policies affect the economy and welfare of developing countries.
• Partnership for Economic Policy (PEP)-MasterCard Foundation Research Grant, 2021
• Winner, SAIIA Thematic Research Grant on EU-Africa Partnership for Energy Access and a Green Transition, 2020
• INGSA-Africa Essay Competition Award, 2020
• PEP-PAGE II Research Grant, 2018
• EIB-GDN Fellowship in Applied Development Finance, 2017
• Runner-up (PhD), Xiamen University Anniversary International Students Award
• Eiffel Excellence Scholarship, France, 2016
• Ernst Mach Grants – OeAD, Austria, 2016
• Scholarship, Santa Fe Institute Complex Systems Summer School, USA, 2015
• South-South Tri-continental Collaborative Program Research Grants, CODESRIA, 2014
• Research Assistantship, China Center for Energy Economics Research, Xiamen University, 2013
• PhD Scholarship, Chinese Scholarship Council, 2013
• Certificate of Merit, Zamfara State Ministry of Education, Zamfara State, Nigeria, 2008
• Member, NYA Constitution Review Committee
• Member, Local Organising Committee, NYA 2021 Conference and General Assembly