Biographical Info
Biographical Info:
PREAMBLE: A self-driven, hard-working scholar who is prepared to make immeasurable contributions to knowledge and offer workable solutions to societal issues, especially public health medical conditions that appear to defy conventional treatments, through translational research, teaching, and community development initiatives, a motivated team player with the ability to operate efficiently and successfully in settings with a variety of religious and cultural beliefs.
Sex: Male
Place of Birth: Bukemanya Village, Bisu.
Date of Birth: 8th, April 1980
Marital Status: Married
Next of Kin: Mrs. Peace Nkechi Uti
Relationship: Spouse
State of Origin: Cross River
Local Govt. of Origin: Obanliku
Nationality: Nigerian
Permanent Home Address: Bukemanya Village, Bisu, Obanliku L.G.A CRS.
Current Rank: Lecturer I (Biochemistry)
Affiliation: Federal University of Health Sciences, Otukpo, Benue State, Nigeria
Area Of Specialization:
Lipid Biochemistry
Federal University of Health Sciences, Otukpo, Benue State, Nigeria
Research interest:
Obesity, diabetes, metabolic syndrome, computation biology (Chemoinformatics)
• Ebonyi State University Tertiary Education Trust-fund Institutional Based Seed Research grants, 2020. Reference Number: EBSU/TETfund/IBR/2020/001
Role: Co-investigator
Value: N1,890, 000.00
• Federal University of Health Sciences, Otukpo, Tertiary Education Trust-fund Institutional Based Research grants, 2022.
Role: Co-investigator
Value: N1,580, 000.00
• Evangel University Akaeze, Ebonyi State Nigeria: Doctoral Degree Staff Development Award 2016/2017 Academic Session
Federal University of Health Sciences, Otukpo, Benue State, Nigeria
Position: Lecturer I (Biochemistry) 2021-Date
Evangel University, Akaeze, P.M.B. 129, Abakaliki, Ebonyi State, Nigeria
Position: Lecturer II (Biochemistry ) 2018-2021
Position: Assistant Lecturer (Biochemistry) 2015-2018
Exit Year:
Google Scholar:https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=teWPA1YAAAAJ&hl=en